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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

FAQs on Diamond Peels

What is a Diamond Peel?

Special sterilised diamond wands are used with gentle suction applied to the skin after it has been thoroughly cleansed. The top layers of the skin are removed, leaving more vital cells underneath.

How long does it take?

Most treatments take about 15 minutes.

What results can you expect?

After each session the skin develops a rosy glow. There is some redness to a mild degree, which resolves quickly. After the first session there is a freshness to the skin, it feels thicker and pigmentation may be more even.

How many treatments do I need?

Most people need a course of 4-6 treatments for the best results. These are usually a minimum of two weeks apart. Some people have monthly treatments as an ongoing part of their skin health regime.

Who is suitable?

Diamond peels can help many people with many skin problems. Some people who would benefit most from the treatments include people with oily skin and skin damaged by the sun. People with acne scars, fine wrinkles and ageing skin are suitable and often benefit the most from treatment.

What is the difference between dermabrasion and the Diamond Peel?

Most dermabrasion is done with aluminium crystals which can stay on the skin after treatment and can be irritating as well as clogging skin pores. The Diamond peel avoids this problem altogether as no harsh metals or crystals are used. In addition vitamins are infused into the skin following the treatment to maximise the benefits of the peels.

Will I need treatment after each session?

Home skin care with skin vitamin supplements will help give you the best results.

How soon will I see results?

Often results are seen after the first session, but usually a course should be completed to see substantial changes.

Is it safe to use on my skin?

Unlike some other skin treatments, a diamond peel can be used on skin of all skin types and colours.

What are the benefits of a Diamond Peel over other procedures?

A Diamond peel takes less time, there is less discomfort, recovery is quick and there is no disruption to normal activities. It can be a great lift a few days before a holiday or a special night out.

Where do I go from here?

Please call the 640-5555 to book your diamond peel and start on your path to fresher, healthier skin.

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