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Thursday, February 21, 2008

We Only Use Sweet Almond Oil

To show our commitment to quality, we only use Sweet Almond Oil in our massages.

If skin could talk, it would beg for two things: to be massaged, and with pure oil. Sweet Almond Oil is the answer to your skin's prayers. The secret is that it nourishes, moisturizes, and balances, while increasing circulation. Add a fragrance and double your pleasure with the benefits of aromatherapy.

What is Sweet Almond Oil?
Sweet Almond oil is one of the most popular vegetable oils, which is also used in the form of carrier oil or base oil in Aromatherapy. Texture wise, the oil extracted from the seeds of Almond, is a bit oily. The botanical name of Almond is Prunus amygdalus var. dulcus. Sweet Almond has a very light, sweet and nutty aroma. It is absolutely clear in color with a tinge of yellow. Almond oil is an all purpose base oil, which is easily accessible from any retail store specialized in cosmetics.

Sweet Almond oil is widely used in Aromatherapy for giving body massage. The oil is easily absorbable and serves as a great emollient, by lending a soft glowing beautiful touch to the skin. It balances the moisture in the body. In case of loss of moisture, it helps to restore it.It makes a great lubricant, thus aids in combating itching and inflammation. It is an excellent natural moisturizer that is suitable for all skin types. Owing to the multitude of benefits that Almond oil offers, it is increasingly finding its way in the making of soaps, creams and moisturizers.

Almond oil application is the best therapy for conditioning the skin and reviving its natural glow. It is also known to improve the complexion and give a younger look to the person to whom this oil is applied. It helps a great deal in nourishing the skin. Sweet Almond oil application provides an instant relief, in case of muscle pain. It has a high concentration of oleic and linoleic essential fatty acids.

How can we know if the oil my therapist is using is indeed Sweet Almond oil?

Sweet Almond oil has a yellowish tinge while most mineral oils are transparent like water.

Where is Sweet Almond Oil made?
Sweet Almond oil is made in the US and Europe. Here in Pamper People we import our Sweet Almond oil from the United Kingdom.

How about the ordinary mineral oils, where is it made?

Where else can we buy cheap and sub-par materials? In China of course!!! Because of this, we cannot really guarantee the pureness of their oil.

What's the difference of Sweet Almond Oil from the ordinary mineral oil?
Sweet Almond oil is 100% HYPOALLERGENIC while a number of people get itchy when massaged using ordinary-china-made-mineral oil. Sweet Almond oil is easily absorbed by the body while the ordinary-china-made-mineral oil tends to get sticky and slimy when applied.

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